Pleasure rates.
Yacht/Motorboat Storage(>18ft) Price Charge per metre (l.o.a)
6 months Storage only - yard storage
6 months Storage Package - includes lift out, pressure wash, + relaunch
Short Term Storage (per month) - minimum 1 month
Tender Storage
Outside (6 months) - £250
- includes use of slipway
Trailer Boat Storage (<18ft)
6 Months Storage - £500
1 Month Storage - £125
Per day storage - £25
- includes use of slipway
Dinghy Storage - £250 (6 months)
- includes use of slipway
Jetski Storage - £400 (6 months)
-includes use of slipway
Trailer only storage - £200 (6 months)
- excludes use of slipway
Yacht/Motorboat Storage(>18ft) Price Charge per metre (l.o.a)
6 months Storage only - yard storage
6 months Storage Package - includes lift out, pressure wash, + relaunch
Short Term Storage (per month) - minimum 1 month
Tender Storage
Outside (6 months) - £250
- includes use of slipway
Trailer Boat Storage (<18ft)
6 Months Storage - £500
1 Month Storage - £125
Per day storage - £25
- includes use of slipway
Dinghy Storage - £250 (6 months)
- includes use of slipway
Jetski Storage - £400 (6 months)
-includes use of slipway
Trailer only storage - £200 (6 months)
- excludes use of slipway
Slipway use - £20(per day)
Lift Out/Recovery - includes pressure wash - £25 (per metre)
Lift In/Launch - £25 (per metre)
Cradle Hire - £260 (6 months)
Masting -£140 (each way) Owner to fully prepare - Mast head equipment should be removed prior to Masting
Electricity - POA Monthly Standing Charge £5
Lift Out/Recovery - includes pressure wash - £25 (per metre)
Lift In/Launch - £25 (per metre)
Cradle Hire - £260 (6 months)
Masting -£140 (each way) Owner to fully prepare - Mast head equipment should be removed prior to Masting
Electricity - POA Monthly Standing Charge £5
Seasonal Pontoon Berth (6 months) - £800 (non commercial)
Visitor Pontoon Berth (per day) - £20 (subject to availability)
Visitor Pontoon Berth (per day) - £20 (subject to availability)
Yard rates £54 Per Hr
Telehandler £70 per hr Min 1 hr
For Commercial or special rates please contact us.
Telehandler £70 per hr Min 1 hr
For Commercial or special rates please contact us.